

Centsable Lent

Posted by The Andersons Sunday, February 14, 2010 0 comments

For Lent, our family has decided to offer a portion of our duplicate grocery items each week to a family or person in need. This will last the entire time of Lent. I would like to ask EVERYONE on here to think of someone you know that is truly in need of help. Please email us their story and info to with the subject line "Centsable Lent" so that we may pick a family. Please understand that this has to be a local family or person so that we can deliver the items as necessary. Note that we live in Chickasaw, AL and would like to keep it within a 40 mile radius. Although we are asking for one family or person, we may try to allot a certain amount to others as well. Please make sure the family or person is aware of your nomination. Feel free to email us any questions.

The family or person will be chosen Sunday, February 21, 2010 and will get their first delivery that day as well. Again, please make sure the family or person is aware that you are nominating them as we will need to contact them to set up delivery.

What's for dinner?

Posted by The Andersons 0 comments

I was talking to someone recently who asked, what do you fix for dinner? She pointed out she didn't see a lot of main course or side course foods in my pictures or lists always.

See, that's the thing about being stocked up so much. I have lots to choose from already! A lot of what we buy is to restock in certain areas of our little Anderson store, erm pantry or snacks for around the house, parties or lunches. You also have to remember that we spread the groceries between our house, Jeanna's parent's house and Jeanna's grandmother's house.

We will try to keep you updated with dinners in our house just to show you that yes, we eat real food, no, it isn't a diet of chips and coke, and that we eat well, too! Our house feeds a minimum of five people every night (Jeanna, Bobby, Aidan, Nanna and PawPaw). On weekends, it is nothing to randomly invite people over for dinner at the last minute simply because we can and we enjoy the company.

So, what did we have for dinner last night? We had ribs (under $5 for the pack), baked beans and texas toast. The ribs were enough for each adult to have two and still have leftovers for tonight! Aidan doesn't like BBQ (we have to change this if he plans on staying in the South!) and asked for something simple. He wasn't feeling up to par and just wanted one Toaster Strudel.

Tonight we plan on eating the leftover ribs, leftover beans and adding another side to the mix. I'll make Aidan something else, of course (see anti-BBQ above).