Once you get into couponing, you will have to find a coupon sorting method that works for you. When I first started years ago, I clipped every single coupon I got my hands on. Then, I sorted them in a binder with baseball card inserts. This worked for me then because I was a stay at home mom with more time on my hands to clip and sort. Plus, I didn’t have as many coupons as I thought. It was handy though, because I had all my coupons in one binder and was easy to tote around. I clipped then sorted them by product. This may work for you as you get started.
Now, I don’t have as much time, and I have way too many coupons to fit into a simple binder. Way, way, too many. What I use now are 2 small, plastic file boxes, with file folders. One is categorized by dates for my Sunday inserts. Every Sunday, I buy eight newspapers and take all of the coupons out. Make sure to check in the Parade because sometimes they stick a few in there, too! Then, I make a folder with that Sunday’s date. The reason that I do this is because many coupon sites use this method in their matchups: 1/22 RP, which mean January 22 RedPlum. This helps me find it easier.
My other file box consists of my “loose” coupons. These include internet prints, coupons mailed to me, and coupons found (blinkies, tearpads, books, etc.). This one is alphabetized by product name. These were in envelopes in a shoebox but once again, we have too many to keep up with that way.
One thing I plan on doing to make the sorting and finding easier on me now is to also print a list of that Sunday’s coupons. Remember how we talked about coupons being regional? Well, sometimes they don’t have a coupon I have! And we want to use as much as we can to save all that we can.
The downside to my system is that I can’t take it with me to the store, really. The upside is that it is very organized, tidy and I can’t take it to the store to make unplanned purchases. We try and stick with just lists. Now, if there are certain items you always needs like diapers or dog food for instance keep some coupons in an envelope in your car.