Time to start blogging again! After much contemplation and thought, I'm altering this from a strictly deals blog. That was never what we wanted when my husband and I began talks of a blog, but rather a family blog. Our blog was supposed to be about our lives; living the simpler/cheaper life, loving each other and sharing our adventures in cooking, cleaning, crafting, parties, couponing, raising the best kids and ultimately giving thanks and praise to our God. It didn't take long for me to get off track after seeing the other local blogs. All the ones I came across had the same centralized theme: post every single deal and coupon that hits the internet, as well as posting matchups to every single local store. I tried that, had a little fun but got burnt out so quickly. In the process, I began working again and that deterred my time from this haven as well. Ergo, changes have to be made. We've changed. Our blog should reflect such, too.
First off, I am proud and overjoyed to announce that I am a stay at home mother again! We have a newborn as of this past February. This is my first Summer in too many years that I get to stay home with our son (now 7 almost 8)! Our summer has started of somewhat mediocre, but sometimes, that's just what everyone needs.
Secondly, I am going to start off with simple, small blog entries just to get my feet wet again. Don't worry, my posts on coupons and living frugal aren't going totally by the wayside, but they will not be the only or even main topic.
I ask you then, please join me. If you were a current reader, I invite you to stay. Let's see what we can come up with together in this journey of ours.